The last 24 hours have proved very painful for Bollywood. The country has lost two great actors Irfan Khan and Rishi Kapoor. Rishi Kapoor died today, while Irrfan Khan died yesterday. Both had cancer and had been fighting this disease for a long time.
On 3 October 2018, Hrishik was reported to have cancer. This was confirmed by his brother Randhir Kapoor. However, Rishi had gone to America a few days ago for treatment in September. Here, he underwent treatment for 11 months. After this, when he returned to Mumbai, the fans were strongly welcomed. Even after returning from America, Rishi Kapoor was not fully recovered. He was undergoing treatment. On Wednesday, he was admitted in Reliance Foundation Hospital. His condition was very worrying. Today, at 8:45 am, Rishi Kapoor breathed his last. Rishi Kapoor fought with leukemia for two years.
Earlier on Wednesday, Bollywood actor Irrfan Khan died. Irfan Khan breathed his last at the age of 54 at Kokilaben Hospital in Mumbai. In the year 2018 itself, Irfan had given information about cancer to the world, but after two years, Irfan lost this battle going on with his life. Irfan Khan was struggling with stomach problems, he had a colon infection. Irfan Khan was consigned to the cemetery of Versova. Due to the lockdown, only 20 people were able to attend his funeral. Due to the lockdown, only 20 people will be able to attend Rishi Kapoor funeral.