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Screening and Early Detection of Breast Cancer-Dr. Samia Mostary

Screening of breast cancer is performed in asymptomatic women with the aim of detecting breast cancer that is not yet clinically evident. This allows breast cancer to be detected earlier, investigated and treated early.

Breast Screening Methods:

It includes-

a.) Breast physical examination :

b.) Screening Mammography.

A). Breast self-examination (BSE):

How to do a breast self-exam: (The five easy steps)

Step 1:



out of one or both nipples (this could be a watery, milky, or yellow fluid or blood).


Feel for the changes lying down


Finally, feel your breasts while you are standing or sitting. Many women find that the easiest way to feel their breasts is when their skin is wet and slippery,

B). Clinical Breast Examination(CBE):

A CBE should be performed by a health care provider well-trained in the technique (this may be a doctor,specialist nurse or other medical staff) once every year if you are 40 years and above.

C). Screening Mammography:

“The biggest misconception about mammography is that it picks up every breast cancer. In fact, mammography misses at least 10% of breast cancer. So if you feel a lump that doesn’t show up on a mammogram, bring it to your doctor’s attention. Get it evaluated.”

— Susan Greenstein Orel, M.D.


                                                   Recommendations for Breast Screening:


The risk of breast cancer increases with age. Women with risk factors such as a family history of breast cancer should discuss with their doctors when to go for and the interval of regular screening. If it’s detected early, treatment is more successful and there’s a good chance of recovery.

Dr. Samia Mostary
MS Thesis Part (General Surgery)
BIRDEM General Hospital, Shahbag, Dhaka

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