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Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has done unprecedented development in Bangladesh

Copenhagen (Denmark):

UAE COP 28 President Designate Minister Dr Sultan Al Jaber said under the Dynamic and Smart leadership of the Honorable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Bangladesh has done unprecedented development. She has been a role model in Climate Actions in the world. The bilateral relation between Bangladesh and the UAE is excellent and would continue the same in days to come. He said COP 28 would be a successful COP with the help of world leaders.

UAE COP 28 President Designate Minister Dr Sultan Al Jaber said this in his meeting with the Bangladesh Environment Minister in the side event in the first Copenhagen Climate Ministerial held on 20 March 2023, at Eigtveds Pakhus in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Environment Minister Shahab Uddin said Bangladesh is trying hard to turn its vulnerability to resilience. Recently, the country formulated the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) and submitted to UNFCCC in October 2022. Though the country contributes less than 0.48% of global emissions, Bangladesh updated its NDC with more ambitious targets and submitted to UNFCCC in August 2021 as per the commitment to the Paris Agreement. Now the country needs financial, technological and capacity-building support from the international communities to implement these plans.

The Minister said Parties should make consensus on some critical issues which need to be resolved at COP28 in Dubai. The source of fund for addressing loss & damage must be finalized at COP28; the funds should be new and additional without any compromising the funding for adaptation needs. We also need to have significant progress on the structure and operational modalities of the Loss and Damage fund to operationalize it as soon as possible.

There must have significant progress at COP 28 on New Collective Quantified Goal on Climate Finance to adopt a decision at COP 29. We need to finalize the definition of climate finance.  We are also looking forward to achieving the delivery of milestone of US$100 billion by developed countries this year.

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