The Communist Party of China (CPC) is an excellent remarkable platform, the only political party governing China, the place of Chinese people’s hopes, and the symbol of one greater China. China has witnessed rapid development under the Communist Party, especially in information technology and commerce, since CPC was established 100th years ago in 1921. The process is still in progress under President Xi Jinping’s dynamic leadership. China has assumed a global leadership and uses the media to attract more people to the country. The CPC has declared a slogan, “China Dream,” towards which the nation is progressing with good communication capabilities internally and externally, maintaining an extraordinary image internationally. The introduction of the internet and the development of information technology has kept Chinese citizens informed about important world events. China has developed its GDP and increased its PPP by improving people’s lives and removing poverty since the founding tenor of the Peoples Republic of China in 1949 with a strict guideline of Chairman Mao, Deng Xiao Ping, and other supreme leaders CPC1. How a people’s party can do everything for its governing country and keep its backbone most potent ever, the CPC proved in this epidemic seasons when world economy faces an earthquake. A supreme power, the largest economy also needs friends. China is reaching out to several countries to forge commercial relations. One of these countries is Bangladesh. The association between China and Bangladesh has improved over the years. Both the countries took several steps to establish this relationship of cooperation and friendship. The friendship between Bangladesh and China is as symbolic as the colors of their flag2.
The Communist Party of China has made several contributions towards the development of China. As the Great Leap Forward and the industrial policies in the 20th century, some of its policies have helped China grow. The Five-year-plans planned by the party and the government helped China grow from an agrarian economy to a trade and information technology-based economy. All these policies were implemented in such a way so that it includes all the society of the country. The implementation of policies takes at a fast pace in China. It shows that the contribution of CPC towards the growth of China is immense3.
1. Hinck, Robert, Jacquelyn Manly, Randolph Kluver, and William Norris. “Geopolitical Dimensions of” The China Dream”: Exploring Strategic Narratives of the Chinese Communist Party.” China Media Research 14, no. 3 (2018).
2. Quiyum, Dr, and Mohammad Jahirul. “Bangladesh-China Economic Relations, 1975-2000: An Overview.” South Asian Studies 2, no. 35 (2021).
3. Edin, Maria. “Remaking the communist party-state: The cadre responsibility system at the local level in China.” In Critical Readings on the Communist Party of China (4 Vols. Set), pp. 421-436. Brill, 2017.
The Great Leap Forward was announced in the Second Five-Year-Plan of China in 1958. Private plots in agriculture were rejected according to the policy. In industry, the approach allowed the Construction of large plants. Still, the CPC announced that importance would also be given to small plants, which would e locally built and locally run. Capital goods flourished because of this policy by 1963. China started to rebuild itself because of this policy. There were some problems, but the country came out of it in some years. It shows that CPC worked for the development of China from the very beginning4.
The Communist Party of China thought that urban reforms in China are possible if the country is integrated with the international economy. It diminished the government’s role in allocating resources and put the onus on the business organizations. The focus was turned from machine-building industries to technology-based industries. The party also focussed on the various problems the country was facing in communication and energy. It started to encourage the citizens to work harder. People were given jobs according to their specialties. Simultaneously, the private sector was allowed to develop. This showed how the modification was implemented by the party5.
Several steps were taken by the Communist Party of China to help the private organizations in the country. The managers of various companies were paid incentives so that they could enhance the efficiency of their companies. They were told to pay taxes and help the government during its needs. Managers were given immense power by the party in their firms. They could hire, fire, and promote employees. Some of the resources were allocated to the light industry sector. Light energy industries were allowed concessions to use more energy than the other industries. CPC is dedicated to creating a China having surplus energy in the future6.
4. Nikolov, Plamen, Hongjian Wang, and Kevin Acker. “Wage premium of Communist Party membership: Evidence from China.” Pacific Economic Review 25, no. 3 (2020): 309-338.
5. Pieke, Frank N. “The Communist Party and social management in China.” In Critical Readings on the Communist Party of China (4 Vols. Set), pp. 998-1018. Brill, 2017.
6. Frenkiel, Emilie, and Anna Shpakovskaya. “The evolution of representative claim-making by the Chinese Communist Party: From Mao to Xi (1949–2019).” Politics and Governance 7, no. 3 (2019): 208-21
The Communist Party of China decided to allow FDI in Special Economic Zones of China in 1978. These zones were present in 14 coastal cities of the country. Three coastal regions were also involved in this initiative. The investors of foreign organizations got tax concessions and other benefits in these regions. Laws related to contracts and patents were eased to help overseas investors. This economic policy initiated by the party helped China develop and create an image of a business-friendly country. Many famous brands started to invest in the country after this step. The discipline of the CPC has helped the country to develop7.
The Communist Party of China focussed n the mining sector of the country because China is a mineral-rich country. The small mines were enhanced to larger mines under the party’s guidance. The manufacturing sector, too, got a boost from the party as the country has a huge potential to manufacture chemical, petrochemical, and synthetic fibers. This made China one of the largest producers of nitrogenous fertilizers. The financial institutions were developed by the party so that they contribute to the nation-building processes. The 19th Party Congress, which was held in 2017, gave a clear idea about China’s economic goals and its objectives related to BRI8.
Since the formation of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, the Communist Party of China has focussed a lot on the education sector in China. A series of laws have been established by the CPC to provide education to children, women, handicapped and ethnic minorities. This is the reason that China now has the most extensive education system in the world. The country has achieved a lot in the field of education. Now, a nine-year education system has been made compulsory by the party in the country. It is an excellent step to ensure that most of the citizens are getting educated in China9.
China has progressed a lot technologically in electronics, machinery, automobiles, high-speed railways, and aviation. Not only that, the country has done a lot in the field of innovation.
7. Gore, Lance LP. “The Communist Party-dominated governance model of China: Legitimacy, accountability, and meritocracy.” Polity 51, no. 1 (2019): 161-194.
8. Swaine, Michael D. “Chinese views of foreign policy in the 19th party congress.” China Leadership Monitor 55, no. 23 (2018): 1- 13.
9. 2021. “Chinese Education Development.” Au.China-Embassy.Org.
Under the guidance of the Communist Party of China, the country is making great strides in innovation in sectors like new and non-renewable, nuclear energy, big data, artificial intelligence, space technology, and robotics. It can develop the People’s Republic of China further and take the country to unimaginable heights. It is also leading to an increase in investments from business organizations around the world. This is how an increase in technological advancement is strengthening the country10.
Bangladesh has a positive trading relationship with all its allies, and that helped the country grow both economically and as a friendly country. Bangladesh is strategically located above the Bay of Bengal, which is close to the Indian Ocean. It has also become one of the fastest-growing economies. Although the territorial size of Bangladesh is small, the country’s population is enormous, representing its large market. Bangladesh may turn into a developing country by 2024. It will be a graduation for the country. It means that the economic agreement the nation has with China will help it to grow11.
The Belt and Road Initiative of China has placed it into a powerful global position. It has the potential to develop its economy. The BRI was launched during President Xi Jinping’s visits to central and southeast Asia. The initiative is a plan by China to rejuvenate the old Silk Road and bring in investment with the help of connectivity. It has attracted the world’s attention as it led the country to open up to the world economically and politically. The BRI has dramatically changed China’s relationship with the world. The policy has the potential to enhance the economy of the country12.
10. The Diplomat. 2021. “Understanding China’S Technological Rise”. Thediplomat.Com
11. Anwar, Anu. “How Bangladesh is benefiting from the China–India rivalry.” The Diplomat (2019).
12. Wahid, Mostafa Emrul, Arifin Sultana, and Aditi Chakrovorty. “Belt And Road Initiative Of China: Perspective Of Bangladesh.” Noble International Journal of Social Sciences Research 5, no. 6 (2020): 95-101
China focussed on its strong bond with Bangladesh to promote trade and connectivity. The country is planning several infrastructure projects to connect to Bangladesh. There have been some issues, but both the countries either solved them or are in the process of solving them through negotiations. This shows the positive intentions both the countries have to improve the relationships between them.
China and Bangladesh interact regularly and plan several things that can bring the two countries closer, especially on the economic and diplomatic fronts. Both the nations are taking this relationship seriously and are invested in it13.
Bangladesh has its own Look East Policy under which it is maintaining a healthy relationship with China. President Xi Jinping did not only call for a Silk Route but also for a maritime Silk Road. These two initiatives are together called the Belt and Road Initiative. This initiative has attracted the attention of Chinese citizens as well as the whole world. In 2015, three ministries of the Chinese government released their visions related to the BRI. These documents officially clarified the position China had regarding the policy. China arrived hugely on the global stage with this plan and made it clear that it meant business14
Hence, it can be seen that the Communist Party of China has undergone several modifications to suit itself according to the 21st century. Now, the party accepts membership from entrepreneurs and educated students. Initially, entrepreneurs were not given membership in the party. The youngsters get employment opportunities after joining CPC. President Xi Jinping has announced the BRI, which has made China a significant world power. China has maintained a good relationship with Bangladesh. They have planned infrastructure projects that create some problems, but both countries are solving them through negotiations. This relationship and other such relationships with other countries show that China is maturing under the CPC.
13. Karim, Md A., and Faria Islam. “Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar (BCIM) Economic Corridor: Challenges and Prospects.” (2018).
14. Zhao, Yabo, Xiaofeng Liu, Shaojian Wang, and Yuejing Ge. “Energy relations between China and the countries along the Belt and Road: An analysis of the distribution of energy resources and interdependence relationships.” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 107 (2019): 133-144.13Karim, Md A., and Faria Islam. “Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar (BCIM) Economic Corridor: Challenges and Prospects.” (2018).
Anwar, Anu. “How Bangladesh is benefiting from the China–India rivalry.” The Diplomat (2019). 2021. “Chinese Education Development”. Au.China-Embassy.Org.
Edin, Maria. “Remaking the communist party-state: The cadre responsibility system at the local level in China.” In Critical Readings on the Communist Party of China (4 Vols. Set), pp. 421-436. Brill, 2017.
Frenkiel, Emilie, and Anna Shpakovskaya. “The evolution of representative claim-making by the Chinese Communist Party: From Mao to Xi (1949–2019).” Politics and Governance 7, no. 3 (2019): 208-219.
Gore, Lance LP. “The Communist Party-dominated governance model of China: Legitimacy, accountability, and meritocracy.” Polity 51, no. 1 (2019): 161-194.
Hinck, Robert, Jacquelyn Manly, Randolph Kluver, and William Norris. “Geopolitical Dimensions of” The China Dream”: Exploring Strategic Narratives of the Chinese Communist Party.” China Media Research 14, no. 3 (2018).
Karim, Md A., and Faria Islam. “Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar (BCIM) Economic Corridor: Challenges and Prospects.” (2018).
Nikolov, Plamen, Hongjian Wang, and Kevin Acker. “Wage premium of Communist Party membership: Evidence from China.” Pacific Economic Review 25, no. 3 (2020): 309-338.
Pieke, Frank N. “The Communist Party and social management in China.” In Critical Readings on the Communist Party of China (4 Vols. Set), pp. 998-1018. Brill, 2017.
Quiyum, Dr, and Mohammad Jahirul. “Bangladesh-China Economic Relations, 1975-2000: An Overview.” South Asian Studies 2, no. 35 (2021).
Swaine, Michael D. “Chinese views of foreign policy in the 19th party congress.” China Leadership Monitor 55, no. 23 (2018): 1-13.
The Diplomat. 2021. “Understanding China’S Technological Rise”. Thediplomat.Com.
Wahid, Mostafa Emrul, Arifin Sultana, and Aditi Chakrovorty. “Belt And Road Initiative Of China: Perspective Of Bangladesh.” Noble International Journal of Social Sciences Research 5, no. 6 (2020): 95-101.
Zhao, Yabo, Xiaofeng Liu, Shaojian Wang, and Yuejing Ge. “Energy relations between China and the countries along the Belt and Road: An analysis of the distribution of energy resources and interdependence relationships.” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 107 (2019): 133-144
Dr. Fakhrul Islam Babu
General Secretary
China Bangladesh Friendship Center-CBFC